Faith is meant to be put into practice. Below are some important biblical truths that guide & motivate everything we do.

Sharing the Gospel

Above all, we are passionate about Jesus Christ and the good news that he offers salvation to all who put their faith in Him. The Apostle Paul referred to this as the doctrine of "first importance" (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). While there are many other important beliefs, none is more special than this one. When you attend North Oak, you will see this passion for Jesus openly displayed.

Global outreach is a major focus of our church. We financially support missionaries & indigenous workers and regularly send out short-term mission teams. While we are heavily involved in humanitarian efforts (literacy programs, clean water initiatives, orphan care, etc), everything we do has a Gospel-sharing component.

Living in Peace with Others

Mennonite Brethren have been known for their commitment to peacemaking. This doesn't mean we are pacifists (most of us are not), but it does mean we are committed to being peacemakers in all areas of our lives. This includes relationships within our own home and family systems, but it extends into all relationships, including those considered "enemies."

Standing up for Justice

One of the great promises of the Old Testament was that a Messiah would bring justice and hope to the nations.  The Gospel of Matthew promises that Jesus will bring "justice through to victory and in his name the nations will put their hope." (Matthew 12:20).

The Bible repeatedly commands believers to get involved in social and ethical justice issues, especially when human life is being destroyed or degraded. In obedience to God, we stand against any behavior, policy, or system that harms the "least of these" or otherwise violates human dignity. Justice is also about restoration, which is why we are passionate about efforts that bring relief and promote human flourishing in our community and around the world.

Building Strong Families

The Bible talks a lot about the family. Emotionally and spiritually healthy families are important to God, and so very necessary for our own well-being. Scripture teaches us that God intends Christian families to be defined by loving relationships, with marriages comprised of one man and one woman who are deeply committed to each other. If God has blessed you with children, those children are to be raised in stable, supportive, loving environments. A major focus at North Oak is placed on supporting and encouraging families to grow in Christ.

Helping Each Other Grow Spiritually

We seek to live as authentic followers of Jesus in our daily lives, orienting our lives around Jesus’ teaching and model. While we are not against the world, we do recognize that many of the ideologies, lifestyles, and behaviors in the world go against God's will for our lives. As such, we take seriously the biblical command to pursue personal holiness and love. NOCC provides many opportunities to help you grow spiritually. These include weekly small groups, ladies'/men's bible studies, and adult Sunday school classes.

Living a Joyous Faith

Christians are not meant to be Puddleglums or Eyores. An angry, mean-spirited, grumpy Christian is a contradiction. Frankly, it confuses us that angry Christians even exist (not to mention angry preachers!). The Bible tells us to "be glad in the LORD" (Psalm 32:11). In fact, there are hundreds of Bible passages telling us to be joyful! Even though politicians and the news media find financial success by tapping into humanity's anger, Jesus teaches us that such anger only destroys and consumes. In its place, Jesus frees us to show love and joy. NOCC is a place that intentionally and zealously embraces joy. 

Seeing the Dignity & Worth of Others

You are a unique, unrepeatable, miracle of God! We believe that all human life is precious to God, and that includes you! He loves you so much that Jesus died on the cross to offer you rescue and redemption. North Oak Community Church is a place that invests in people because people are important and matter to God. Most people here don't simply come for the services...they also come for the relationships!